当前位置:首页 > 常识信息 > 韩国英文名的命名规则和常见名字



韩国英文名(Korean name in English)是指以英语来表达韩语姓名的一种方式。韩国人的姓名通常由三个部分组成:姓氏、名字和中间部分。而在命名韩国英文名时,通常以中间部分为基础,姓氏则作为名字的补充,常见的中间部分包括Hye、Ji、Min、Seo、Young、Woo、Soo等。同时,许多韩国人在选择英文名时也会考虑自己的韩国名意义或音韵方面,选择与其韩国名相似或有寓意的英文名。


  • Hannah- A name with diverse meanings such as grace, favor, beauty and rose.
  • Jin- A name with meanings like precious, valuable or excellent
  • Ji-yoon- The name has multiple meanings with different Hanja (Korean characters) and can be interpreted as pearls, phoenix, or wisdom.
  • Ji-woo- Ji-woo is a popular two-syllable name in Korea, which can be interpreted as knowledge, intelligence, or greatness.
  • Jung- Jung is a common surname in Korea, but can also be a given name. It means righteous, true, and upright.

In South Korea, it is a culture to celebrate one's first birthday, also known as Doljanchi. On the first birthday, the child is usually given a Korean name and a hanbok, a traditional Korean dress. The celebration is a significant event for the child and their family.

